Over 40 and solo IVF

Solo Mom, 42 and trying for a sibling with Ivf


12 weeks and a Good Result

I have finally hit the 12 week mark.  Thrilled about that.  Then today my Ob rang me with the results from the Verifi blood test that was sent to the USA.  The results are good my embryo doesn’t have down syndrome,  trisomy 13 or 18,  or any sex chromosomal abnormalities like XXX or XXY.  Feeling very relieved about the results.  Plus tomorrow I go for the 12 week scan and that will be great to see that everything is moving along ok and measuring in at the right size.  If all is ok tomorrow it means I can start telling other people now about being pregnant.

The other big news I have is that the Verifi test also tells you the gender of your baby.  Drum roll……….. It’s a boy!!!  I am so excited.  I have boys names that I like and not really any girls names.

Today I am feeling confident and happy that another tick off the list towards having a baby in my arms.  It is slowly getting there.

Happy New Year I hope all your dreams and wishes come true in 2014.

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Boxing Day Fun

Yesterday I was invited to a friends pool party.  I had not seen this friend since 2006 at another one of her pool parties.  I was a bit worried about rocking up having put on 6 kilos during the IVF this year and then probably another 2 or 3 kilos now with being pregnant and my stomach has popped already due to being No 2.  I was thinking that they would be able to guess or I would feel uncomfortable and fat.  But glad to get there and see everyone was carrying extra weight.  One friend had had a baby three months ago and with her post baby belly and weight sported a bikini.  I was so impressed with her being so comfortable in her own skin.  I mean who cares if your carrying a bit extra.

It was a wonderful afternoon and I was only going to stay a few hours but we stayed all afternoon and my daughter loved playing with the other kids and we had a few swims in the pool.  No-one noticed I wasn’t drinking or even cared but years ago all us pre children would of well and truly drunk the eski dry.

A great day, hope you had a lovely boxing day too 🙂

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Rebooked 12 weeks ultrasound

In my excitement of getting the Verifi test and feeling like I didn’t need the 12 week ultrasound I cancelled it.  But after a few days I started thinking I want the test,  I want to see if the little bub is ok,  I want to find out what the nuchal fold measures,  I want them to have a good look that visually everything looks ok to reassure me,  to see the heart,  limbs and brain. So I re-booked my appointment.  I was very luck to have gotten back in at short notice and in fact I have gotten my original booking.  Now I only have to wait the week and we have Christmas and parties to go to so the week will fly.

The receptionist told me today I have to drink 1 and a half liters of water before I come. That is heaps.  Last time I booked she said 1 liter, it’s gone up half a liter.  I asked her why and she said that since it’s been hot some of the women have been a bit dehydrated and needed the extra.  So chugging down 1 and half liters is going to be hard work and will probably make me feel sick as I am struggling with drinking too much water as it is.

Fingers crossed for everything to be ok.

Have a wonderful Christmas 🙂


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Secret Santa

Today we had our last day of work and Secret Santa presents.  We all put our presents on the table and then our names were picked out of a basket and we could go and pick a present.  There were a couple of bottles of wine which you could tell what they were.  I didn’t want a bottle of wine or chocolates (I have a fridge full of chocolates from the end of year).  I picked up a book,  it was the biggest epic novel about the turn of the century set in Russia.  It look ok but epic.  It would take me all year to read as I fall asleep pretty quickly these days and have come to a stand still with my current book on my bedside table.  We were all laughing about how big it was.  Then as we left the staff room I asked one of my colleagues “What wine did you get?”  She said “Oh I got a sweet one I am not into sweet wines”  Then another colleague said to me “You like sweet wines”.  Then the colleague with the wine said “You have this”. Then put it in my arms so then I said automatically “Here you have the book and we’ll do a swap”…….. Damn it I didn’t want a bottle of wine!!! I can’t drink it for months and months.  The wine does look nice it’s a fancy sweet one made out of leaf tea,  honey etc.  Like a honey mead wine.  A real dessert wine.  So now for Christmas that makes 3 bottles of wine I have gotten.  At least they keep and I will will lay them down to rest until I can get to them.

Then this afternoon we went for our Christmas lunch.  It was really nice and Asian style food.  We have a large staff and 80 people came to the lunch.  It was funny as the afternoon went on everyone was becoming louder and louder with the more they drunk and some were starting to get a quite pissy by the time I left at 3.30pm.   It was in the city so it will be a big night for some of them and some will have very sore heads in the morning.  It would of been nice to stay but I was already getting tired and still had to go get my toddler from daycare and come home.  It was lovely just sitting and having a meal with out chasing after my toddler. I am usually a very social person who runs around and chats to everyone but today I just sat and enjoyed not getting up a million times out of my seat.  Oh how things have changed.  Also over the past year I have slowed down my drinking or stopped drinking at staff do’s (due to being with on the TWW or I did a full 7 weeks of no drinking as well in an effort to help my fertility).  Today no one even questioned that I wasn’t drinking where as before they did.  Now I think they are used to it as it has been pretty much all year I have been on and off drinking.

Hope you are all enjoying your Christmas party’s.

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Pass the Water Please

Water, water, water and more water please.  Constantly drinking water or anything cold.  The last time I was this thirsty was when I was breast feeding.  Nothing like breast feeding to make you guzzle litres of water.  My morning sickness is subsiding a bit now and I can actually face drinking more water without feeling too ill.  Nothing worse than wanting to scull water but it makes you feel sick.

My latest cold drink obsession is iced tea.  I was loving orange juice and now I am over it.  It’s funny as I have never like iced tea at all.  Couldn’t see why it was so popular.  Then I was at my friends house and she offered me bottle before I hit the road on a hot day and I declined saying I didn’t like it.  But when I got back to pick up my toddler she opened a bottle and made me try it.  OMG delicious!!  I had a mandarin and blood orange one.  It’s now my favourite drink in the world.  Today while grocery shopping I bought 2 small bottles and one large 1.5L bottle (bargain it was only $3).  I had to resist buying more.  What I like about it,  is that is not too packed full of sugar,  it’s refreshing and not sticky.  Mmmmm ice tea.

Only 1 and half days of work left before holidays for 6 weeks begin……And bonus I am so sure this morning sickness and extreme tiredness is on the way out.  I will have some energy over the holidays.



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Great News Today

A couple of weeks ago I rang up to book in for the Verifi (blood test to test for genetic abnormalities) they said that it was their last week I could do it and I would have to wait till the 6th of Jan.  The tests get sent to the USA and you don’t get any rebate back from Medicare.  I was gutted.  I would be 13 weeks and by the time the results came back I would be 15 weeks but at least it was earlier than Amino and carries no risk.  Now that is worth the $900 I have to pay.

Then today as we were walking out the door to go to swimming lessons the phone rang.  It was the blood clinic.  They had rang to say today was the last day I could get the test done today.  The receptionist must of got it wrong originally. This is a big deal for me.  Weeks of waiting for such important results are vital,  I have spent my whole year waiting for results.  But anyway at least it is done now.  They said the results will take 7 to 10 working days.  I hope to get the results in before the new year.

I now don’t need to do the 12 week scan as the results I am getting are better and 96% accurate. The 12 weeks scan is a probability test with your factors included.  That will save me about $300 and I remember from last time I think Amino is about $700 so that makes up for the $900.

So today it is another little win along the pregnancy road.  I am looking forward to getting the results and then I can tell the rest of the world I am pregnant plus I will have the gender of my baby as well.  Fingers crossed for me.  I am sure it will be ok but it’s still really scary and nerve wracking cause life doesn’t always go to plan with these things.  But for today I am happy. 🙂



Goodbye Pessaries

Finally the pessaries are finished.  It was so lovely to go to bed normally last night.  Then the bill came in today,  $400.  They are not cheap little things.

The last two days I have had the bonus of my nausea subsiding a bit and having enough energy to actually wash the car.  But unfortunately it has come back today along with the “I can’t be bothered doing anything syndrome”.  At least I am getting things done in the morning and leaving the afternoon for resting.

I am really struggling with my smell at the moment and have to change shirts midday if I am going out somewhere in the afternoon (I have even changed them when I haven’t).  At work the other day it was a stinking hot day about 39 or 40 (104F) and I couldn’t stand myself.  I am going to have to take deodorant to work,  I can’t change my shirt, that is way to obvious but I will wear something baggy over the next week until we break for Christmas.

That’s all for today feeling tired again….. yawn is it bedtime yet.


Forgot Progesterone

This afternoon after work I went up stairs and realised that I took my pessary up to bed last night put it on the bedside table and left it there and went to sleep.  Whoops.  I am not feeling to stressed about it as I finish doing them on Saturday night and am down to only one per night now.  I decided not to panic and put one in straight away as it’s only a couple of hours until I go to bed anyway and am sure I will be ok till then.

Yesterday I we went to dinner at a friends place.  After dinner for dessert we had these amazing ice creams,  they tasted good at the time but after I felt very off and queasy.  I don’t think I can eat ice cream at the moment.  This is most disturbing as I love ice cream and it is summer!!!  I will just had to keep drinking my orange juice which I am still loving.

Tomorrow after work I am suppose to be visiting my best mate who lives about an hour away.  Another friend is going to drive us and we were going to stay the night so we didn’t have to drive back when it was late.  Unfortunately I had to ring and cancel I just can’t face driving down there and packing for the night.  After two days of work I am just way too tired and sick to be any fun.  Plus watching everyone have energy and be drinking when all I want to do is go to bed is a not a good night. Then to top it off I would be sleeping on a mattress on the floor. Tempting but no thanks.

Can’t write anymore for now,  feeling too off.  Whoever called it morning sickness was soooooo wrong.

Have a nice weekend 🙂

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Exciting Day

I am very excited today.  I meet my Obstetrician.  I heard that she was the c section queen and that she was quite straight forward which put others off and I was told not to go to her. I thought she was lovely, I don’t need a huge from her I just need her to be the best medically for me.

I was given a range of tests that I have to book in for; 12 week scan, 20 weeks scan and the verifi test.  I was really disappointed about the verifi test as you can have it at 10 weeks and the results take 10 days to get back to you which would be fantastic.  But due to it being Christmas and test has to go the USA they are doing last testing tomorrow which I can’t do as I am to early for that.  It means I have to wait until the 6th of January to do the test when I am 13 weeks.  Bummer more waiting. At least I will get the results back before work starts again.  So I am doing the full 12 weeks scan with blood works and everything now,  at least I will get some results and feedback from that.

It really feels like the ball is rolling,  my scan today looked good,  my blood work was clear and all the results were good for that.  We have booked into hospital for the birth date on the 3rd July.  Now that is exciting.  Even though I am still apprehensive about getting too excited and self assured I am letting myself be excited today.  The Dr said I will be in hospital for 6 days,  which I am thrilled with (I loved being in hospital last time).  Someone else doing all my cooking and dishes for 6 days and all I have to do is pick off a menu.  That is pure luxury to me.



One week left to go

I have one week left to go on the progesterone pessaries.  From today I am only on one at night,  what a relief not to wake up everyday and pop one in.

It’s been a funny day today. I have felt like I could burst into tears at certain times and even became teary at the end of the movie ELF,  I mean WTF!!  I don’t feel down or sad but just a bit sentimental and emotional.

Yesterday I got my hair done and asked my hairdresser if I had dandruff as my head has been quite itchy over the last few days.  She said it looked like a bit if cirrhosis.  She is one of my best mates and said it probably all the hormones.  I have noticed lately my skin is quite dry and I have been moisturising my arm and legs more as well.  I am don’t really moisturise as much as I should but I have been hitting the cream.  This pregnancy is really drying me out.  I am trying to drink more water but it is hard as you get over guzzling loads of water all day.  But I am going to really try hard now and see if I can make an improvement in my skin with more water.

This pregnancy I have been wanting orange juice,  chocolate milk,  grapes and stodgy food.  I haven’t touch a salad in weeks and weeks.  But I do eat tomatoes for breakfast everyday.  Last pregnancy I had a bowl of ice cream everyday,  loved it and I do love ice cream but this time I have not been craving it,  I have even had cookies and cream ice cream sitting in the freezer for weeks and weeks which is completely on heard of in this house.  It truly is amazing how your body and tastes are not your own and controlled by someone else living inside of you.

My first visit with my Obstetrician tomorrow,  I can’t wait.  I am very excited to get the ball rolling.  I have my list of questions. It’s not a long list only 4 questions but I don’t want to forget anything.   I have to take my toddler with me so I have got some bribe food for her to sit in the pram while they do the ultrasound,  oreo’s.  She is really good and I have had many internal ultra sounds at the clinic with her sitting in the pram.  She is such a blessing.

Till later 🙂